
The Designers Chic

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Thanks to Olga Quinn

I seriously miss Oprah. I wish she wouldn’t have gone off the air. Her show was such a part of my evening routine. I honestly don’t watch that much TV, but Oprah was the one show I’d watch every day. I don’t get off work until 4:00, and her show started at 4:00. I had gone to to figure out what channel it was on and how to record it, so I was able to watch it right when I got home from work. What a better way to relax after a long day at work then sitting on the couch watching Oprah? I had always dreamed of making it to Chicago to be in the audience during a filming of an episode, and I guess now I won’t get that chance. How cool would it have been to be on the show where she gives the audience tons of gifts? I think it was called her holiday favorites or something like that. I am curious what show took that 4:00 time slot now that Oprah is over. I’m ready for a new “Oprah” to emerge.

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